Virtual Performance for 2023 Chinese New Year

As the year of the Tiger fading away, the lucky Rabbit jumps onto the scene. Get ready for APAG’s Chinese New Year celebration online show. As in previous years, we have prepared a dazzling performance for you to enjoy. In the Chinese culture, the sign of Rabbit is a symbol of luck, longevity, peace, and prosperity. We wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year!

The link below for the online show will be activated at 6:55 PM on 1/22/2023. Stay tuned! The show will start at 7:00 PM sharp.

年漸行漸遠,兔年即將閃亮登場。準備好觀看 APAG 的慶祝中國新年在線節目。與往年一樣,我們為您準備了一場精彩紛呈的演出。在中國文化中,兔子是幸運、長壽、和平與繁榮的象徵。我們祝大家新年快樂,財源滾滾。面的在線節目鏈接將於2023年1月22日晚上6:55激活。敬請關注!演出將於晚上7:00整開始。

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