Virtual Performance for 2022 Chinese New Year

Time flies. The year of Ox is drawing to an end and the year of Tiger is just around the corner. In the past year, APAG has overcome the challenges of the pandemic and continued the weekly online practices. To celebrate the Chinese New Year, APAG will present to you a dazzling virtual performance. Stay tuned for the link information before 2/1/2022! The YouTube link below will be activated on 2/1/2022 at 7 PM to show the Virtual Performance for 2022 Chinese New Year:

光陰荏苒,轉眼牛年即將過去,虎年撲面而來。 奧斯汀歌舞團在這疫情肆虐的一年裡克服了種種困難,堅持每週的網上排練,即將在虎年春節期間為您呈現又一場美輪美奐的視覺盛宴。敬請期待!2022 年 2 月 1 日之前請繼續關注鏈接信息! 以下 YouTube 鏈接將於 2/1/2022 晚上 7 點啟動,以展示 2022 農曆新年的線上表演: